Today we interview Harry Crider, starting Offensive Lineman for the Indiana University Hoosiers Football Team. Harry is a great example of perseverance and a positive attitude. We discuss Harry's diagnosis, how he went on to excel athletically and perform at a high level in D1 College football. Harry shares how he manages his glucose at practice and on game days, his positive outlook on life, and how that continues to drive him to succeed both on and off the football field.
Harry Cider was only ten years old when he was diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes. The signs were especially obvious for him during Christmas, and when his mother took him to the hospital, it was confirmed that he had Type-1 diabetes. Diabetes was not uncommon to his mother as the sickness ran in her family. When he went to the hospital, Harry’s blood sugar count was 300.
Harry credits his parents’ understanding of Type-1 diabetes in dealing with his situation. His father, Harry says, was very supportive, learning all he could about Type-1 diabetes and how he could better help his son. His parents did not try to stop him from doing all the things he had been doing before the diagnosis – going for sleepovers, playing football, and being his usual energetic self.
Harry says the first few months after his diagnosis were crazy for him. He thought his world would end, but support from his parents was helpful in keeping him moving forward.
In this podcast, Harry shares how he was able to overcome his fear and became more confident about his diagnosis.
Harry played for the Indiana Football team as an Offensive Lineman during his Junior year of college.
Harry says that being diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes at an early age helped him deal with the mental adjustments he needed to make. Harry credits his discipline and grit to his ability to thrive as a Type-1 diabetic.
During the initial stages of his diagnosis, Harry was uncomfortable checking his blood sugar level in the presence of his friends and teammates. However, with time he became comfortable talking about his condition, checking his blood sugar level whenever he needs to.
Harry believes that being open about his health status has helped him immensely. He says that when people are open about their diabetic status, other people are often very willing to help and are accommodating.
Harry says going to a diabetes camp as a young person also helped him adjust to his new reality. “Seeing other kids who look normal being just like you, suffering from the same thing you’re going through, gave me strength.”
“As a Type-1 diabetic, you have to be careful about the number of carbs you take, and you have to work with a routine,” Harry added. The routines have helped him develop the discipline he’s needed to live the life he’s wanted to live.
Speaking on improvements in tech, Harry said he loved how well technology was helping Type-1 diabetics like him live healthier lives. He hopes that in the future there will be continuous glucose pumps that athletes can wear and that won’t get destroyed easily. He hopes that these glucose pumps can be combined with insulin pumps in the future as well.